Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Bejewled with honor
He divines at last the sacred truth
To live
To be
Demands bravery
The mustering of strength
The command of courage

Like Percival and forgotten times
The same fifty or five-hundred years ago as tomorrow
To love and be loved
Battle scared clutching one's heart

At end of journey
Sunlit banners unfurled
In unseen glory did he strive
In un-witnessed grace did he serve
In unblemished virtue did he search

To his own self was he true
Free at last in his banished state

A Few Simple Truths About Life and Death
In No Particular Order

Every day you don't shave is a good one.

Swimming is the best exercise.

We are not alone in the universe but with out limited lifespans we can not overcome the distances to communicate.

Running to catch a bus just makes it pull away faster.

Make sure to have a working spare, a back-up pair, and plans three including "B" and "C".

Drive defensively because some of those crazy people ARE trying to kill you.

Mythologies and religions aren't real, they are just pimping Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna, Moses, or Benedict the umpteenth.

Taxidermy is weird.

Get your shots.

Eat correctly.

Stand aside.

Walk to the right.

Wear a life vest especially if you don't think you'll drown.

Plaids, poka-dots, stripes, and paisley might not work for you.

Big marshmallows are best for smoors which MUST be taken on all camping trips.

Drink mostly water.

Wear your seat belt.

If you are tripping the light fantastic wear a helmet.

One should not allow heavy objects to fall upon one.

Be kind.

Play and have fun 'till someone looses an eye, then be sadly quiet.

Don't litter.

Remember AND keep the golden rule.

Sing in your voice.

Dogs will give their life trying to save yours.  Cats wait for you to die then they eat you.

Farm family Thanksgivings are the very best Thanksgivings.

Trains are the coolest way to travel.

Patience is only a virtue if you have it now.

Be gracious.

Live THIS very day of days.  

Don't actually break a leg, but if you do it's a good thing if you can come crawling.

Clean up after yourself AND your animals.

It really is best to look before you leap.

The madness, anger, and disgust are not there to mess with you it's just a manifestation of our hurting emptiness on this planet we call the human condition.

Be your authentic self.



Say "thank you".

Love and be loved.

There is nothing wrong with being right.

It takes courage to be a decent human being.

Be courageous.

Put things back.

Enjoy your fleeting life.

Go naked.

Be respectful.

We all start dying at conception, some of us are just slower than others.